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中华胃食管反流病电子杂志 ›› 2021, Vol. 08 ›› Issue (01) : 20 -26. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.2095-8765.2021.01.004


陈洪锁1, 孟宪梅1,(), 年媛媛1, 侯瑞丽2, 牛爱原3, 徐振瑞4, 许智超2, 张红杨2, 牛璐2   
  1. 1. 014030 内蒙古科技大学包头医学院第二附属医院消化病研究所
    2. 014040 内蒙古科技大学包头医学院
    3. 014000 内蒙古包头市蒙中中医院
    4. 014040 内蒙古包头市包钢三医院
  • 收稿日期:2021-01-16 出版日期:2021-02-15
  • 通信作者: 孟宪梅
  • 基金资助:
    内蒙古自治区自然科学基金项目(2018MS08050); 包头医学院第二附属医院消化病与整合医学院士专家工作站建设(201803020)

Investigation on Prevalence and Influencing Factors of Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease Based on Symptoms in Baotou Area

Hongsuo Chen1, Xianmei Meng1,(), Yuanyuan Nian1, Ruili Hou2, Aiyuan Niu3, Zhenrui Xu4, Zhichao Xu2, Hongyang Zhang2, Lu Niu2   

  1. 1. Department of Digestive Diseases, Second Affiliated Hospital of Baotou Hospital, Baotou, 014030, China
    2. Department of Inner Mongolia University of Science and Technology Baotou Medical College,Baotou, 014150, China
    3. Department of Eighth Hospital Baotou City, Inner Mongolia, 014034, China
    4. Department of Inner Mongolia Baotou City Baogang Third Hospital, 014038, China
  • Received:2021-01-16 Published:2021-02-15
  • Corresponding author: Xianmei Meng

陈洪锁, 孟宪梅, 年媛媛, 侯瑞丽, 牛爱原, 徐振瑞, 许智超, 张红杨, 牛璐. 包头地区基于症状的胃食管反流病的流行病学分析[J/OL]. 中华胃食管反流病电子杂志, 2021, 08(01): 20-26.

Hongsuo Chen, Xianmei Meng, Yuanyuan Nian, Ruili Hou, Aiyuan Niu, Zhenrui Xu, Zhichao Xu, Hongyang Zhang, Lu Niu. Investigation on Prevalence and Influencing Factors of Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease Based on Symptoms in Baotou Area[J/OL]. Chinese Journal of Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease(Electronic Edition), 2021, 08(01): 20-26.






GerdQ 评分≥8分者84例,占约7.9%。单因素分析发现GERD与身体质量指数、高血压、冠心病、高血脂、夜间觉醒或早醒、睡眠时间<6 h、慢性胃炎、慢性咽炎、慢性气管炎相关。进一步多因素分析显示,身体质量指数≥24.0 kg/m2(OR=1.232,95%CI:1.187~1.279)、慢性胃炎(OR=2.566,95%CI:1.286-5.118)和冠心病(OR=3.343,95%CI:0.976~11.459)可能是GERD的危险因素。



Obstract Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is a common clinical disease. In recent years, the incidence of gastroesophageal reflux disease in China has shown an upward trend, which has seriously affected patients' mental health and quality of life. According to the results of large-scale epidemiological investigations, the incidence of GERD may differ in different countries and regions. Therefore, it is essential to understand the prevalence and influencing factors of GERD in Inner Mongolia.


To investigate the prevalence of symptom-based GERD in adults in Baotou area, and analyze the influencing factors of GERD.


Randomly Select 1069 people from the community and medical residents over the age of 18 in Baotou from January 2018 to December 2018.


Randomly select 1069 people from the community and medical residents over the age of 18 in Baotou from January 2018 to December 2018. The gastroesophageal reflux disease scale (GerdQ) was used to investigate the prevalence of symptom-based GERD, and univariate analysis and multi-variate analysis were used to explore the influencing factors of GERD incidence in Baotou, Inner Mongolia.


a total of 84 cases (7.9%) with GerdQ score ≥8 points. Univariate analysis found that BMI, hypertension, coronary heart disease, hyperlipidemia, nighttime awakening or waking upearly, sleepingless than 6 hours, chronic gastritis, chronic pharyngitis, and chronic bronchitis were associated with GERD. Further multi-variate analysis showed that BMI ≥24.0 kg/m 2 (OR=1.232, 95% CI: 1.187-1.279), chronic gastritis (OR=2.566,95% CI:1.286-5.118), and coronary heart disease (OR=3.343,95% CI:0.976-11.459) may be a risk factor for GERD.


The prevalence of symptom-based GERD in Baotou is higher than the national level. Coronary heart disease, chronic gastritis and obesity may be risk factors for GERD. Therefore, it is essential to strengthen health education and advocating lifestyle changes for preventing GERD.

表1 基线资料
表2 生活饮食习惯
表3 基础疾病
影响因素 例数 Gerd(n=84) 非Gerd(n=985) P
慢性胃炎 <0.05

293 46(15.7) 247(84.3)

776 46(5.92) 730(94.08)
慢性便秘 >0.05

80 7(8.75) 73(93.75)

989 77(7.78) 912(92.22)
慢性腹泻 >0.05

53 6(11.32) 47(88.68)

1016 78(7.67) 938(92.33)
胃息肉 >0.05

56 3(5.35) 53(94.65)

1013 81(7.99) 932(92.01)
结肠息肉 >0.05

66 6(9.09) 60(90.91)

1003 78(7.77) 925(92.23)
胆囊息肉 >0.05

1 0(0) 1(100)

1068 84(7.86) 984(92.14)
胃部分切除术后 >0.05

2 0(0) 2(100)

1067 84(7.87) 983(92.13)
结肠部分切除术后 >0.05

3 0(0) 3(100)

1066 84(7.87) 982(92.13)
阑尾切除术后 >0.05

4 0(0) 4(100)

1065 84(7.79) 981(92.21)
消化道肿瘤 >0.05

5 0(0) 5(100)

1064 84(7.89) 980(92.11)
胆囊切除术后 >0.05

8 0(0) 8(100)

1061 84(7.91) 977(92.09)
胆结石 >0.05

2 0(0) 2(100)

1067 84(7.87) 983(92.13)
高血压 <0.05

141 21(14.89) 120(85.11)

928 63(6.78) 865(93.22)
冠心病 <0.05

150 24(16) 126(84)

919 60(6.52) 859(93.48)
糖尿病 >0.05

59 4(6.77) 55(93.23)

1010 80(7.92) 930(92.08)
高血脂 <0.05

56 9(16.07) 47(83.93)

1013 75(7.40) 938(92.6)
慢性咽炎 <0.05

34 6(17.64) 28(82.36)

1035 78(7.53) 957(92.47)
慢性气管炎 <0.05

17 4(23.52) 13(76.48)

1052 80(7.6) 972(92.4)
中耳炎 >0.05

10 1(10) 9(90)

1059 83(7.83) 976(92.17)
哮喘 >0.05

11 0(0) 11(100)

1058 84(7.93) 974(92.07)
甲状腺疾病 >0.05

4 0(0) 4(100)

1065 84(7.88) 981(92.12)
幽门螺杆菌感染 >0.05

113 15(13.2) 98(86.8)

282 29(10.28) 253(89.72)


674 102(15.13) 572(84.87)
表4 Logistic多因素回归分析GERD的影响因素
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