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中华胃食管反流病电子杂志 ›› 2022, Vol. 09 ›› Issue (03) : 147 -150. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.2095-8765.2022.03.002


文敏1, 刘洪琴1,(), 王文娟1, 尹兴亮1, 罗丽娅1, 黄婧洁1, 徐青1   
  1. 1. 562400 贵州省,兴义市人民医院胃食管反流多学科诊治中心
  • 收稿日期:2022-09-26 出版日期:2022-08-15
  • 通信作者: 刘洪琴

Explore the application of improving the positive detection rate of sliding esophageal hiatal hernia in high-resolution esophageal pressure measurement

Min Wen1, Hongqin Liu1,(), Wenjuan Weng1, Xingliang Yin1, Liya Luo1, Jinjie Huang1, Qing Xu1   

  1. 1. Department of Multidisciplinary Diagnosis and Treatment Center of Gastroesophageal Reflux, Xingyi People's Hospital, Guizhou 562400, China
  • Received:2022-09-26 Published:2022-08-15
  • Corresponding author: Hongqin Liu

文敏, 刘洪琴, 王文娟, 尹兴亮, 罗丽娅, 黄婧洁, 徐青. 探索提高高分辨率食管测压中滑动性食管裂孔疝阳性检出率方法的运用研究[J]. 中华胃食管反流病电子杂志, 2022, 09(03): 147-150.

Min Wen, Hongqin Liu, Wenjuan Weng, Xingliang Yin, Liya Luo, Jinjie Huang, Qing Xu. Explore the application of improving the positive detection rate of sliding esophageal hiatal hernia in high-resolution esophageal pressure measurement[J]. Chinese Journal of Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease(Electronic Edition), 2022, 09(03): 147-150.






200例病例中,观察组进一步采用腹部施压法对滑动性食管裂孔疝阳性检出例数(率)为81例( 81% ),对照组进行常规操作对滑动性食管裂孔疝阳性检出例数(率)为56例(56% ),二者差异具有显著性(P<0.05)。




To explore the application value of abdominal pressure technique in high-resolution esophageal manometry in improving the positive detection rate of sliding hiatal hernia.


200 cases with high-resolution esophageal manometry were collected and divided into control group and observation group with 100 cases in each group (all the cases in the group were cases with esophageal hiatal hernia or cardia relaxation by gastroscopy, or those who were suspected of gastroesophageal reflux disease but were negative by gastroscopy, and were finally treated by gastroscopy or laparoscopic anti-reflux surgery after exclusion of contraindications and discontinuation of propulsive drugs for one week). In the observation group, in the routine operation of high-resolution esophageal manometry, the cases without hernia signs were further subjected to abdominal pressure method to simulate the observation of the morphology of the junction of esophagus and stomach by increasing abdominal pressure. The control group was treated with routine operation techniques. Finally, according to the diagnosis of gastroscopy and laparoscopy, the difference and detection efficiency of the two methods in the positive detection rate of sliding hiatal hernia were compared.


Among the 200 cases, 81 cases (81%) were detected in the observation group by abdominal pressure, and 56 cases (56%) were detected in the control group by routine operation, with significant difference (P<0.05).


Using abdominal pressure technique to simulate the increase of abdominal pressure in high-resolution esophageal manometry can significantly improve the detection rate of sliding hiatal hernia.

表1 2组方法对SHH检出率对比
图1 10口5毫升水吞咽中见LES与CD基本重叠, 两者之间距离<1 cm 注:LES为食管下括约肌;CD为膈肌
图2 在采集完10口5 mL水吞咽后,嘱患者放松腹部,两腿屈起稍分开,在患者脐区稍靠左的位置向胸腔方向适当施压,此时见HREM图出现胃内压力上升,LES与CD出现空间分离,测量间距为2.3 cm 注:HREM为高分辨率食管测压;LES为食管下括约肌;CD为膈肌
图3 腹腔镜下探查:食管裂孔扩大
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