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Chinese Journal of Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease(Electronic Edition) ›› 2024, Vol. 11 ›› Issue (01): 31-36. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.2095-8765.2024.01.007

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To explore the correlation between gastroesophageal reflux disease and atrial fibrillation, acid reflux and esophageal motility

Wenyuan Yin1, Yan Feng1   

  1. 1. Electrocardiology of Heart and Panvascular Medical Diagnosis and Treatment Center, People's Hospital of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, Urumqi 830001, China
    2. Research Institute of for Minimally Invasive Surgery, People's Hospital of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, Urumqi 830001, China
  • Received:2023-09-17 Online:2024-02-15 Published:2024-07-30



To investigate the relationship between gastroesophageal reflux disease and Atrial fibrillation, acid reflux and esophageal motility.


Retrospective analysis was conducted on patients with gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), Atrial fibrillation (AF) and suspected GERD combined with AF in the People's Hospital of Xinjiang from March 2022 to May 2023. According to the typical symptoms and diagnostic criteria of gastroesophageal reflux disease and Atrial fibrillation, patients were further divided into non GERD group (n=40), GERD group (n=40), AF group (n=40) and GERD combined with AF group (n=40). According to the sample size estimation formula, take the 95%CI and test the standard α= 0.05. Inspection efficiency 1-β=0.80 calculation requires 40 valid samples to be completed. The gastronesopgageal reflux disease questionnaire (GERD-Q) scale, Demesester system score, high resolution manometry (HRM), 24 h Holter monitor and gastroesophageal endoscopy were collected from four groups of patients.


The analysis results showed that the GERD group and the GERD combined with AF group showed significant increases in GERD symptom score, proximal esophageal weak acid reflux (%), proximal esophageal acid reflux (%), and DeMeester score compared to the non GERD group (P<0.05); High resolution esophageal manometry analysis showed that, compared with the non GERD group, the resting pressure of the upper Sphincter (UES), the resting pressure of the low esophageal sphincter (LES) and the distal esophageal contraction integral (DCI) of GERD group and GERD with AF group decreased significantly (P<0.05); The heart rate and QT dispersion (QTd) levels in the GERD group, AF group, and GERD combined with AF group were significantly higher than those in the non GERD group (P<0.05), and the heart rate levels in the non GERD group were significantly lower than those in the GERD group (P<0.05); The arterial blood pressure (SBP, DBP) levels in the GERD group, AF group, and GERD combined with AF group were significantly higher than those in the non GERD group (P<0.05); The size of mucosal inflammation under gastroesophageal endoscopy in the GERD group and GERD combined with AF group was highly grater than non GERD group (P<0.01).


Atrial fibrillation, acid reflux and esophageal movement characteristics are significantly related to gastroesophageal reflux disease. GERD increases the incidence of Atrial fibrillation, significantly increases esophageal acid reflux, and changes esophageal movement characteristics.

Key words: Gastroesophageal reflux disease, Atrial fibrillation, Acid reflux, Esophageal motility characteristics

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